Friday, March 11, 2016

CMC (computer-mediated communication)

[Computer-Mediated Communiction]
Definition – What is CMC???
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) can be define as
Ø  Process in which human data interaction occurs through one or more networked telecommunication systems. A CMC interaction occurs through various types of networking technology and software, including email, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), instant messaging (IM), Usenet and mailing list servers. (technopedia, 2003)

Here, I also will share about advantages and disadvantages of CMC…
There are…

v  Informal Learning
Just recently Keith Ferrazzi, author of "Never Eat Alone" and "Who’s Got Your Back" sat down with the Harvard Business Review to discuss his experience with CMC and virtualization. During the interview, Ferrazzi brings up one of the greatest disadvantages of virtual teams and that is the lack of informal and impromptu learning that happens in the physical workspace; the conversation at the water cooler or happy hour with the boss disappears in a virtual setting.
 This informal socialization plays an important role in our traditional work environment. When Ferrazzi himself faced some challenges with his own company’s virtual work environment he asked himself “…where is the informal learning, informal collaboration?” (Ferrazzi 2012) I think we can all agree that a significant amount of learning transpires in these impromptu interactions. Without these social opportunities, virtual teams will struggle to create strong relationships.

v  Miscommunication / Non-verbal Cues
 It should come as no surprise that one of the biggest risks faced amongst virtual teams is miscommunication. This is not only due to the inherent challenges of cross cultural communications but also the challenges set forth by the media itself. We see this in the lack of non-verbal cues in the virtual world and the challenge this poses. It is easy to underestimate the impact of nonverbal communication until one enters into a world devoid of these cues. In such a world it becomes important for one to learn how to digitally express emotions.

v  Relationship Building
 According to Daniel Levy in his book “Group Dynamics for Teams” all teams begin by going through certain stages of development; one of which is group socialization. Levy states that “…developing the group is important. Time must be spent developing social relations and socializing new members, establishing goals and norms, and defining the project.” (Levi,2011)

v  Collaboration
 One of the biggest benefits of the virtual office is the ability to join together the best resources to accomplish a task irrespective of their location. This allows for amazing collaboration amongst individuals that before would have been limited based on geography. As Professor Charles Steinfield from Michigan State University noted in his paper on virtual teams “Firms can gain increased flexibility as teams with the proper expertise can be formed quickly without regard to any member’s physical location.” (Steinfield n.d.) This type of structure can have huge impact on a company’s speed to market and ultimately its bottom line.

v  New Product Development
 One very important benefit to team virtualization can be found in the area of new product development. Having a diverse set of opinions can be very valuable when products are released to wider global marketplace. This diversification of perspective can lead a product to be released much more successfully than it otherwise would.
 In addition, companies can rely more on their workforce for market analysis versus paying large consulting fees for global product surveys and such. This leads us to arguably the greatest benefit to team virtualization; reduced cost.

v  Reduced Cost
 Last but not least, we must consider the benefit in reduced overhead and recruiting costs associated with traditional work environments. In the age of technology and with the rise of the knowledge worker it is no longer necessary to have brick and mortar locations to house employees. Now more than ever technology allows companies to forgo the expense of multimillion dollar campuses. Instead companies are benefiting not only from the willingness but the desire for their employees to work remotely. Gone are the days of sitting in traffic to get to your office an hour late to sit in front of your computer. Now employees only need to walk down the hall to their home office to start their workday.  Also, companies no longer have to foot the bill to relocate hard to find talent to their city or state, instead they can pursue the talent they seek from anywhere in the world. These cost savings not only directly impact the bottom line, but more often than not they also provide a selling point to potential employees. By attracting the best talent possible companies will maximize their payroll dollars. (Denver Technology , 2012)


  1. Apa yang saya faham mengenai CMC ini adalah perbualan atau komunikasi kita sebagai manusia menerusi komputer atau alam maya. Zaman sekarang merupakan zaman moden yang kini kebanyakan daripada kita menggunakan komputer dan internet sebagai akses utk mereka berhubung antara satu sama lain. Banyak kebaikan yabg dapat diperolehi antaranya seperti dapat berhubung dengan keluarga atau saudara mara yang jauh hanya menerusi komputer, dapat mencari kawan baru dan dapat berbisnes. Tetapi perhubungan menerusi komputer ni ada juga keburujan seperti miscommunication kerana kita hanya berbalas-balas menerusi komputer sahaja.

    Adakah betul CMC ini yang dimaksudkan admin? 😁😁😁😁😁😁

  2. CMC merujuk kepada cara komunikasi antara individu menggunakan internet dan secara atas talian tanpa perlu berhadapan dengan individu lain. ia sangat memudahkan kerja dan menjimatkan masa. sebagai contohnya, apabila kita ingin menghantar surat kepada seseorang, kita tidak perlu lagi menghantar menggunakan pos kerana pada masa kini, kita hanya perlu mengakses internet dan menghantarnya melalui email mahupun aplikas-aplikasi lain yang digunakan untuk berhubung.selain itu, ia juga memberi manfaat kepada peniaga-peniaga online untuk mempromosikan barang jualan mereka secara atas talian melalui facebook, instagram dan wechat dan lain-lain.

  3. Bagi saya, dengan adanya CMC dapat memudahkan kita sebagai manusia berhubung dengan orang sekeliling tanpa ada batasan waktu walaupun berada di jarak yang agak jauh. Manusia dapat berhubung sekali gus dapat mengeratkan lagi silaturrahim walaupun tidak bersua muka. Jadi dengan adanya CMC kita dapat menyampaikan dan menerima sesuatu perkhabaran serta informasi dengan pantas.

  4. Satu perkongsian yang baik Happy Comm! Sememangnya CMC membawa banyak impak dalam kehidupan manusia kerana ia merupakan satu platform mudah yang menghubungkan 'people around the world'.Jadi, pada pendapat saya sendiri CMC seharusnya digunakan sebaik mungkin di samping memaksimumkan kegunaannya ke arah kebaikan.

  5. pada pandangan saya,CMC ini memberi banyak manfaat kepada semua masyarakat. Ini kerana CMC adalah merupakan tempat yang mudah kita berhubungan dengan sesiapa sahaja dan dimana-mana tempat yang boleh kita dapat hanya menggunakan komunikasi alam maya seperti internet.Kita sebagai pengguna CMC ini harus bijak dalam menangani penggunaannya agar tidak mendatangkan kesan yang negatif.

  6. Computer Mediated System (CMC) adalah proses dimana berlakunya interaksi data manusia melalui satu atu lebih dalam rangkaian telekomunikasi. Apa yang saya fahami CMC menghubungkan rangkaian berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat dunia seperti email. Email adalah salah satu contoh rangkaian dalam CMC yang berfungsi menyampaikan maklumat dan berita kepada individu. Dengan adanya sistem ini, dunia rangkaian komunikasi akan berjalan dengan cepat dan menjimatkan masa dan tenaga.

  7. CMC merupakan satu proses terjadinya interaksi data manusia melalui satu atau lebih dalam rangkaian telekomunikasi. CMC menghubungkan rangkaian komunikasi dengan masyarakat. Komunikasi akan berjalan dengan pantas serta masa dapat dijimatkan dengan wujudnya sistem CMC ini.
